Winter Updates February 2024!
I Hope everyoneis is ready for spring! Thanks to all of you that have been using our new Shopify platform! All payments and shopping carts are now connected to the real database! Hopefully it will be much improved with inventory tracking. I also expect better tracking and communication emailed to you. We have 100s of items listed more coming soon! We are also now more mobile friendly! Click links to our new store and bookmark! Please only use the Florida PO Box do not send anything to any of our NY address. Second, Please provide a contact Cell # in your invoice in case we need to reach you.
Updated Listings! I made the images bigger than ever so you may have to scroll or download. We show the details here, no cagey photos!
Visit now!Free US Shipping!
Books!!We have 6 reference books in stock! You will want them all! Check our ALL new Module 1 and Module 2 new coil bound collectors series with bonus foldouts! Check them out!
Search #boxesIntroducing our Boxes! Over 100! This past year we added , Johnny West Adventure coffin boxes, Best of The West, MOD, Canadian, Fantasy boxes, Spy boxes, and much more. Check our boxes! ask about bulk pricing! We have offered these on some Facebook networks now we are selling them here! Need a rare box? These are just some we have to offer. Inquire! Most Only $32 with shipping included in the U.S. for many, These exceed vintage quality with color and detail!
Tom- VTR
Check out a cool retro look at Hot Wheels track in action in slow motion!
Module #1 and #2 Spiral Bound and Sadle Stitched 4th Editions! Our latest REVISED module! order now! We still have module #3-#5 Available and very limited Encyclopedias!
 The 4th edition has new spiral cover design! This book will lay flat. Includes a really cool pull out center fold and a pull out Model room section , Princess Wildflower test shot, and accessory check list! Check it out! We also still offer saddle stitched at a reduced price minus the accessory guide and pullouts. Saddle stitch includes 3D poster in liew of pullouts. 42 plus Pages in full color, covering an in depth look at the series. Includes a close look at some test shots and colors never used for production. If you like the Encyclopedia, Module #2, Module #3, Module #4, or Module #5, you really need Module #1! you will love this module! The Encyclopedia is virtuially out of print! Hit the search button to browse our catalogue! Visit now! Free US Shipping! Tom- VTR
Contact and pmt Info!
Tom Heaton
PO Box 228
- Parrish Florida 34219
- Phone- 585-943-1888
- 7-11pm est standard time!
Our Mission to you!
"Our mission is to deliver the world's largest set-sale website dedicated to vintage Marx action figures, books, and other toys from the 1960s-1970s while providing world class customer service and support"
Module #5 Is our Latest Book order now!
Thanks for supporting Module #5! See our "Books" link on right or in our bookinfo section! Our best military and Spy era book with lots of new behind thescenes information on Marx employees and the factory! Recently released our newest module / book! Module #5, The  Military and Spy Era of Marx action figures! If you want to see new details never before discussed on Stony, Buddy Charlie, Mike Hazard or The Girl from UNCLE, and many more details on military nd spy Marx figures and accessories, this book is for you! Even GI Joe pays a visit in the module! Other information on the book is in our Books info section.
We are also still clearing out more inventory, more updates coming in the upcoming month! We also have fresh copies of Revised Module #1, Module #2, revised Module #3, and Module #4 now shipping! Free US Shipping! Tom- VTR
Thanks for your continued business, Here is a story on a different toy we cherished in the 70s!
Check out our latest article and click here for the scoop on this cool article on the Stony Smith paratrooper child size military playset!
Done looking at toys? For more retro Nostalgia, Sports, and fun Visit: gogomag |